Monday, May 15, 2017

It's me

I don't usually post pictures of myself online. None of my social media avatars are pictures. But, the publisher needed a dust jacket photo, so I may as well share it. After all, it's going to be printed by the millions when my book becomes an international, runaway bestseller.


  1. Looks good & I'm looking forward to the book (though I'm cheap & will see if the library gets it first).

    1. They should have a method of making requests.

  2. I love the information in the book, but have you actually read it? It is rife with typos. There were so many on page 98 that I had to stop and write you. It's as if no one proofed this at all. It's a shame. I also wish that there had been guides to the photos. You should talk to them. In one sentence on 98, middle paragraph, it says "the the" twice. A word is left out of the sentence. In the next paragraph, "He sent to two best tusks..." and at the top of the next page, "it's bones." I'm a writer too with my own proofreading problems, but it really breaks up the reading. Again, love the information. Elizabeth Kerlikowske

    1. I was quite disappointed in the proofing. We did two different rounds of it, but, somehow, most of it didn't get into the printed version.
